

Protecting our clients and their creative works
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We enjoy working with our author clients to protect their creative works.

Wherever you happen to be in the creative process, the Mudd Law team will provide you with the sound advice and dedicated representation you need as an author.

Our firm advises our clients in intellectual property protection. For an author, this most often involves copyright matters, but can also address trademark issues as well. Whether securing, licensing, or enforcing such rights, our attorneys work with our author clients to protect their intellectual property.

Our firm also works with our clients to negotiate contracts with publishers, digital publishing platforms, self-publishing means, and other third parties.
Because the digital era has made self-publishing and digital publishing so accessible, our firm provides our author clients with particular representation on these matters.

In addition, we can guide our clients in adopting social media strategies that transform social media from mere advertising to a collaborative creative process that markets and enhances the sales structure employed to secure revenue from creative works.

Let us speak with you about your needs and how we can facilitate your creative processes and publishing.

Why Choose Us?


Our team works diligently to develop creative solutions to our clients' litigation matters.


We work tirelessly on behalf of our clients and their interests.


We welcome our clients' communications and involvement in the litigation process.
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