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12 April 2005 RIAA Press Release
12 April 2005 Mercury News


Schools Targeted

Apparently the schools targeted include: Boston University, Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Drexel University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, New York University, Ohio State University, Princeton University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of California-Berkeley, the University of California-San Diego, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Southern California.

Litigation Notes:

Attorney Ray Beckerman's website provides access to a number of documents related to RIAA litigation. For examples of our RIAA litigation defense and related documents, please see the following page.

Historical Notes:
US Senate Passes Pirate Act: United States Senate passes the Pirate Act that would allow the government to bring suit against file-sharers for civil penalties.

Costs of Legal Downloading Increase: The Wall Street Journal reported in its Wednesday April 7, 2004 edition that the costs involved in downloading songs from the Internet through legal pay sites (eg iTunes, Napster 2004, musicmatch) have recently shown some increase. This has prompted some concern that the increase in prices for albums online will promote illegal filesharing. Along with this, concerns exist that the increase in prices for albums online (sometimes higher than through retail stores) will stunt the economic growth of this medium. The articles reports that the now-legal-Napster held out against raising its prices until recently. The record companies and online companies dispute from whom the higher prices come. It will remain interesting to determine (a) why this has occurred, (b) its affect on the online market, (c) its affect on file-sharing, and (d) the legal implications of such an industry-wide phenomenon.


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