Mudd Law Offices

Providing Legal Representation to Individuals and Business Organizations


Tamburo v. Andrews (2006 CV 0051)


In this lawsuit, the Plaintiff John Tamburo filed suit against Jim Andrews for defamation arising from statements published online and through the Internet.

On behalf of Jim Andrews, our firm filed a motion to dismiss arguing that Illinois lacked personal jurisdiction over him. We also attacked the substantive claims. The trial Court granted our motion to dismiss on the grounds that the court lacked personal jurisdiction over Jim Andrews.

Defendant Andrews' Motion to Dismiss

Plaintiff Tamburo's Response to the Motion to Dismiss

Defendant Andrews' Reply Brief

Plaintiff Tamburo's Surreply

The Plaintiff appealed to the Illinois Appellate Court. Our firm successfully defeated the Plaintiff's appeal, and the Illinois Appellate Court affirmed the lower court's ruling.

Plaintiff Tamburo's Appellate Opening Brief

Appellee's Response Brief

Plaintiff Tamburo's Appellate Reply Brief

Ruling of the Illinois Appellate Court

The Plaintiff has since filed an appeal with the Illinois Supreme Court.

Mudd Law Offices has substantial experience representing defendants sued for online defamation. Although licensed in Illinois, Indiana, and Connecticut, our attorneys have been admitted to federal district courts in other jurisdictions (Colorado and Florida, to name two). Additionally, our lawsyers can often be admitted to practice before a court on a case by case basis.



3114 W. Irving Park Road Suite 1W •  Chicago, Illinois 60618 •  773.588.5410 • 773.588.5440 (Facsimile)

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