Mudd Law Offices

Providing Legal Representation to Individuals and Business Organizations


Best Vacuum, Inc. v. Ian Design, Inc., 2004 CV 2249, N.D. Illinois


Our Client: Defendant, Ian Design, Inc. (

Matter: Alleged infringement of trademark

Summary: We represent Defendant Ian Design, Inc. in a trademark infringement action brought against it by Best Vacuum, Inc. of Illinois. Best Vacuum, Inc. contends that Ian Design, Inc.'s use of the domains "" and "" infringes its alleged mark "best vacuum." Ian Design, Inc. opposed such allegations. On behalf of Ian Design, Inc., we successfully defeated Best Vacuum's motion for preliminary injunction and motion for summary judgment, as well as successfully obtained a ruling in Ian Design, Inc.'s favor on its cross-motion for summary judgment.

Disposition: Summary Judgment granted in favor of our client Ian Design, Inc.

Status: Pending final resolution in matters before the United States Patent and Trademark Office


Complaint filed against our client, Ian Design, Inc.

Answer and Affirmative Defenses
(filed after the Court ruled on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss)


Preliminary Injunction filed by Plaintiff against our client, Ian Design, Inc. (DENIED)

Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Plaintiff's

Opposition Memorandum filed by our firm on behalf of Ian Design, Inc.

Reply Memorandum, Plaintiff's

Motion to Supplement, Plaintiff's


Motion to Dismiss filed by our firm on behalf of our client, Ian Design, Inc. (GRANTED in PART, DENIED in PART)

Motion to Dismiss, Defendant's



Report and Recommendation of Magistrate DENYING Motion for Preliminary Injunction

Report and Recommendation of Magistrate GRANTING in PART and
DENYING in PART Defendant's Motion to Dismiss

Order of District Court Adopting Magistrate's Reports and Recommendations


Motion for Summary Judgment

Plaintiff [not filed electronically - need to scan]


Ian Design's Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (Notice of Filing)

Ian Design's Memorandum Opposing Plaintiff and Supporting its Cross-Motion (Notice of Filing)

Ian Design's Local Rule 56.1 Response and Additional Material Facts (Notice of Filing)

Exhibit 1- Declaration of Charles Lee Mudd Jr.

Exhibit 2- Supplemental Declaration of Charles Lee Mudd Jr.

Exhibit 3 - Cited Portions of Deposition of John Roesler

Exhibit 4 - Declaration of James D. Kole

Exhibit 5 - Affidavit of John Roesler


Plaintiff did not file any further response

Order and Ruling granting summary judgment in favor of Ian Design



3114 W. Irving Park Road Suite 1W •  Chicago, Illinois 60618 •  773.588.5410 • 773.588.5440 (Facsimile)

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