Law Offices of Charles Lee Mudd Jr.

Providing Legal Representation to Individuals and Business Organizations


Entertainment Law


Our firm represents a variety of dynamic artists in a diverse range of entertainment disciplines. We represent authors, musicians, filmmakers, photographers, visual artists and more. We have been proud to assist new, emerging artists as well as represent established leaders in their disciplines.

We provide a full-range of entertainment law related services that can be generally categorized as Agreements and Contracts and Litigation and Mediation.

Agreements and Contracts

Diverse Array
A strength of the entertainment industry lies in its diversity. From documentary filmmakers to authors of historical fiction, the wide array of agreements and contracts employed in the entertainment industry cannot all be described here. We provide exceptional representation with respect to agreements and contracts within the film, music, and visual arts industries. From representing actors, editors, directors, writers and producers to distributors, musicians, managers, vocalists and recording companies to artists, agents, and galleries and all those between, our firm can provide you with the unique services you deserve.

Individualized Attention
Each client and each situation involve unique circumstances that preclude the use of formulaic composition (eg form contracts). Consequently, our firm invests and provides individualized attention to each situation presented to us by each of our clients.

Draft, Review, and Negotiate
Agreements and Contracts involve more than "filling in the blanks."

You should employ counsel that can draft an agreement from beginning to end. We take the time to explain the meaning behind the terms in each agreement and contract we draft. Because many alternatives may exist, we ensure our clients protect themselves by making informed decisions on the terms to include and discard.

You should employ counsel that can review a contract from beginning to end. When a client has been presented with an agreement or contract, we ensure that our client understands the consequences of each term and how that term will manifest itself now and in the future.

Because some terms will inevitably be unfair, unsavory, or simply unacceptable, you also should employ counsel that has sound experience in negotiating your agreements and contracts. We have this experience in negotiating agreements and contracts. We employ our knowledge to facilitate efficient and productive negotiations on behalf of our client. We have developed strategies to provide our clients with a unique advantage.

Sound Advice
Our philosophy and perspective enable our attorneys to provide our clients with sound advice to develop and/or enter into agreements and contracts that will avoid conflict and ensure mutually beneficial relationships now and into the future.

Litigation and Mediation

We wish that our clients never faced the need for pursuing litigation or found themselves as defendants in a lawsuit. Unfortunately, many business disputes inevitably lead to litigation. Consequently, should our clients find themselves in such a situation, our firm remains experienced and prepared to work toward resolution of any business dispute. We have handled litigation involving breach of contract, copyright and trademark infringement, management conflicts, work for hire issues, and much more.


Contact Information for our offices in Chicago, Illinois and Park City, Utah

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